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We have received several inquiries regarding our response plan for the Coronavirus, COVID-19. We understand that you may be concerned with the potential for service disruptions. At this time, it is business as usual at Western, and to the best of our knowledge, none of our employees has been exposed and no one has recently travelled to any of the highly affected areas.
We have taken the precautionary steps to help train our employees on the importance of hand-washing and other measures as recommended by the CDC. We continue to provide hand sanitizers and have increased our disinfection of hard surfaces. We have installed additional protective barriers to help insulate our employees from possible exposure from outside truckers and other visitors. We have also stressed that anyone who isn’t feeling well should stay home, and our managers are being vigilant in sending home anybody who appears to be sick. These measures represent our best judgment in attempting to reduce risk for employees and the community.
As a logistics company, Western is obviously a physical business, and the options for remote work are limited to office personnel. Nonetheless, as long as we can safely keep our people in the warehouses, we can continue doing the work that our customers rely on us to do. If we were to face a shutdown at a particular building, we would do our best to limit disruption to the companies that are stored in the affected building by quarantining, disinfecting, and then trying to relocate unaffected staff to that building. Naturally, there are limitations, and turnaround times would increase. In the event we were to face a larger shutdown by government order, we would send out an immediate notification and post an update on our website.
In the meantime, we will continue to approach the crisis in a levelheaded and proactive way, while trying not to create undue fear.